Parent Teacher Association
Friends of Pound Hill Infant Academy (FoPHA)
We are a group of parents, carers and school staff who work together to raise extra funds for our academy. We aim to enhance the education our children receive by funding extras that the school budget wouldn’t normally allow. Our registered charity number is 1042718.
We organise a range of events and fundraisers throughout the academic year including –
- Cake sales
- Festive fair
- PHFest
- Bag2School clothes recycling
- Raffles
- Pound Hill preloved uniform sales
- Community Cupboard - Free for our academy community
- Sponsored activities and
We are always looking for new ideas and fun ways to raise money for our children so please share your ideas with us!
We are always looking for new members who would like to make a difference within our academy. Any time you are able to spare would be greatly appreciated by ourselves and the children.
We always need extra hands to help! Maybe you could help prepare resources for events or help set up an event? Maybe you could help collect donations for half an hour at drop off or support us with ideas? Every little helps!
Being a part of Friends will enable you to become positively engaged in your child’s education and helps to form a connection between home and school life. Your ideas and involvement will help enhance the education of all children at our academy.
If you would like to be a member please email:
How else can I help?
Easy Fundraising
Easy Fundraising is another easy way to help raise funds for FoPHIA. Just click below to sign up.
Once signed up –
- Log in to Easy Fundraising
- Search for the retailer you want to shop with
- Click their link
- Shop as normal
- We will receive a percentage of your shopping total with no extra cost to yourself!