Attendance and Absence
Pupils can only take full advantage of their education if they attend school regularly and punctually.
We continually monitor children’s attendance in school, as there is a proven link between progress and attainment and the number of days in school. Being absent for medical conditions are taken into careful consideration when monitoring individual children’s attendance records. We are also sensitive to particular family circumstances. We take our responsibility for ensuring that all children receive a good education very seriously and want to support families who may be finding it difficult to get their child to school regularly.
- Attendance above 95% is regarded as “good” and equals 10 or less days of absence over the academic year.
- Below 90% is ”worrying attendance”. This means that at least 19 school days have been missed. This can impact on pupil well-being as well as progress and attainment.
Parents or carers will be contacted where the academy has a concern regarding a child’s attendance, to both raise awareness and offer support. Please note; members of the senior leadership team are happy to talk with anyone experiencing difficulties.
Arriving late to school
Arrival after academy doors close will be recorded in the register as late and unauthorised. If a child is frequently late, parents and carers will be invited to a meeting with a member of the senior leadership team. All parents and carers arriving late with their children after 8.40am will need to enter through the Academy office, the time and reason for being late will be recorded by a member of the admin support team. The academy doors open at 8.30am and closes at 3.20pm.
Absence from school:
Please telephone the Academy on the first day of illness by 8.40am, or contact via If no notification is received initially it will be recorded as unauthorised. The academy will make contact to establish the reason for absence. Children should not attend school for at least 48 hours if they have a sickness and/or have diarrhoea which is caused by a contagious bug. Such illnesses can spread quickly in the school environment.
Whilst the Academy appreciates young children are often unwell registers are monitored regularly. Where there is a pattern of absence, this will be explored with parents initially through discussions and any assistance will be offered where needed. In cases of excessive absence due to illness, the principal has the right to request a medical certificate.
Infection / Illness | Keep away from school until... |
Chicken Pox | All the spots have crusted over. |
Diarrhoea | 48hrs from last episode. |
German measles (Rubella) | 4 days from onset of rash. |
Impetigo | Lesions have crusted and healed OR 48hrs after starting treatment with antibiotics. |
Measles | 4 days from onset of rash. |
Scabies | After first treatment. |
Scarlet fever | 24hrs after starting antibiotic treatment. |
Shingles | The rash is dry and crusted over. |
Slap Cheek (Fifth Disease) | Not necessary if child well enough. |
Vomiting | 48 hours from last episode. |
Whooping cough |
5 days after starting antibiotic treatment. |
Medical appointments
If possible doctor's/medical or dentist's appointments should be made outside of the Academy day. Please ensure the Academy is informed in advance (to the Academy office) of this scheduled medical absence.
Withdrawal from Learning
We need your support in ensuring that planned leave is not taken in school time so that your child has the very best opportunity to succeed. Guidance was issued by the Department for Education (DfE) that applies to all requested absences in term-time. The DfE only allows a principal the discretion to authorise an absence if they believe that there are exceptional or unavoidable circumstances.
When deciding whether to authorise term-time leave, the academy will consider:
- the pupils age
- the time and duration of the leave
- the pupil’s record of attendance, including any previous term-time absences
- whether there are exceptional circumstances relating to the request
- Broadly speaking, exceptional circumstances could include;
- acute family trauma
- terminal illness or death of a family member
- rehabilitation from a physical or emotional matter that is supported with medical evidence
- mark of religious observation falling within term time (at discretion of the principal)
A family holiday is not an exceptional circumstance. Supporting evidence should be supplied prior to an absence, as absences cannot be authorised retrospectively.
“If issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice, each parent must pay £80 within 21 days or £160 within 28 days. The payment must be made directly to the Local Authority”.