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Special Educational Needs

Helping every pupil succeed is very important to us and we look forward to working with you in partnership to help your child achieve their personal best at every stage of their journey with us.

We celebrate and value the contribution that every child makes to our school community. We welcome the diversity of culture, languages, religions and learning styles. We are committed to offering an inclusive, adapted curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our children whatever their needs and abilities. The school seeks to raise achievement and remove barriers to learning.

All children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and vulnerable groups are valued, respected and equal members of the school. As such, provision for children with SEND is a matter for the school as a whole.

Every Teacher is A Teacher of SEND

The ‘Every Teacher’ campaign by The National Association for Special Education Needs (NASEN) has five key messages:

1. Every teacher is a teacher of children with special educational needs and is responsible for every pupil in their class.

2. Every teacher is accountable for every pupil’s progress.

3. Every teacher is entitled to high quality professional development.

4. Every teacher should understand the individual needs of all their pupils.

5. Every teacher should have the support of a qualified and experienced SEND team.

Mr Tom Jordan



Mrs Joanna Brewis

Assistant Principal and Senior Mental Health Leader

Mrs Nicky Ellis

Assistant Principal and Senior Mental Health Leader

Sharon Nelson

Learning Mentor


Vikki Heasman

Family Liaison Assistant

Catherine Sotomayor-Robbins

Play Therapist

Elizabeth Davis

PA to Principal

For any queries, please contact our inclusion lead at

External Agencies

Anxiety UK
Anxiety UK


Integrated Front Door
If you are worried about a child contact the West Sussex safeguarding team on 01403 229900

Call 999 if you think a child is in immediate danger

School Nursing Service
The can support with many areas, including sleep issues and emotional health and wellbeing support, such as low self-esteem, low mood and low level anxiety. Parents can contact the service contact the service direct on 0300 303 1137, or text ParentLine on 07312 277011.

West Sussex Children's Services or phone 01403 229900
Raise a concern about a child - West Sussex County Council

West Sussex Single Point of Access (SPoA)
The SPoA is a dedicated service which provides a simplified single route to access specialist emotional wellbeing and mental health support. It helps direct you to the right service, eliminating the need to refer to multiple services. Parents/carers can contact the service direct on 0300 303 1137
West Sussex Single Point of Access

Young Minds
Parents helpline is available to call Monday to Friday, 9.30am-4.00pm
Young Minds